Jalsa, Mumbai May 22/23, 2020 Fri/Sat 4:19 AM
Birthday - EF Amit Ladva .. Saturday, May 23 .. greetings and wishes on your birthday and happiness ever ..
This be the morning .. not the night before .. the night before went in earlier .. it gave indication that this missive could and would be done the day next morning, and the detail as always to be given in the manner as seen in most details when the next day has appeared but the post content is of the previous ..
Makes sense .. perhaps not ..
Many ask and wonder why the details of the time and date in the manner that it is .. simple .. the date if within the hour of the ending remains the date .. the date when the hour of the post has gone beyond midnight, then the next day has appeared but the post is of the previous, so the dual date and day .. the time reflects the actual time .. and since it is beyond the midnight hour, the date reflects that .. it does not reflect two dates .. it is but one .. but the inflect is to give the right date and day .. the content is for the day before ..
Today, as an example : the time has gone beyond the midnight hour .. it is now 4:29 AM as I write, of the date May 23 .. but the Blog for the DAY 4459 is for the date of May 22 .. so in order to give the right inflect .. it is posted as being written at the time of the hour 4:29 AM, of May 23, but is for the date May 22, and the DAY 4459 ..
If tonight, that is May 23, at the time of writing the post is before midnight .. before it changes to May 24 .. then the DAY will and shall be 4460 .. as must it should .. but right now, the writing is being done for DAY 4459, on the morning of May 23, because the time of writing has crossed the midnight hour ..
It has an element of correctness .. all this .. and by now it is assumed that the Ef too have understood ..
The reference to the greetings for the Birthdays are done on the DAY of the writing for the Birthday of the next DAY, because that is when the birthday arrives .. it arrives after midnight .. it is right is it not .. to let the Blog know that the Birthday is arriving the next DAY, in order that the wishes and greetings can come as soon as the midnight is crossed .. otherwise if I had to wait to wish the birthday on the date of the Birthday, because of the timing , an entire day would have passed and the wishes would be delayed - that is if the next DAY blog were to come before midnight .. what if it was written after midnight .. the birthday day, would have passed and long gone .. hence Ef Amit Ladva who’s birthday is May 23, is mentioned in the date of May 22, so there is an entire day to greet and wish Mr Ladva .. the day of May 23 ..
It may sound cumbersome .. but for me that is the practicality of the situation ..
Expressing the mind in words is of the most practical or impractical deliberations that mankind ever invented , practised and gained or suffered from ..
The most accomplished and educated , well versed in the language of the expression , could be in possession of the most eloquent capacity and quality of their writing ability .. yet .. how it is interpreted , how it is effective , in which situation it has been written for , by whom and where , is the biggest dilemma of the Universe ..
Before the methodology of conveying one to another in writing was introduced, it was the voice that said it all .. language and writing introduced expression in these strange images that we see .. as you read ..
Why was the ‘e’ of the, or the ‘e’ that we see in see, the ‘e’ it should be in the shape and pronounce .. letters were invented, sounds were attributed to them and ‘boom’ .. language was invented .. the sound given was accepted universally .. then each region area collective human in every collective mass gave themselves their own word language and sound .. what a massive exercise this must have been .. and what enormous effort gone in to stabilise this as the conveyance accepted and formalised ..
Different and diverse languages and sounds erupted the world over .. each gaining relevance, as time went by and its meanings were given a development over time ..
We read today or learn today of the variety of the various languages that exist .. admire their creation and importance from the region it comes .. when spoken it is understood .. or not understood if it comes from a different region ..
BUT ..
For me what is wished to be said is that .. a sentence written has a million connotations in the way it is written perceived .. and a million connotations in the way it is spoken or given sound to perceive ..
The written when read, is of a meaning to the reader in the individual mind of the reader .. how he shall pronounce , how he shall give sound to it and how that read and sound shall be in his or her interpretation .. because the sound that the reader gives is his or hers , in his or hers interpretation .. it may never be in the sound and therefore meaning, of the sound with which it was written ..
I could write ..” how are you ?” , with the greatest of affection .. because that was what the sound in my mind was when I was writing it ..
.. but consider this .. put the inflect or the pronounce or the effort in different tone and the meanings for the reader could change ..
So , the ‘how are you’ said with the writers affection , can be interpreted as ..
‘how are you ?’ , spoken in sound of a sarcastic inflection, or given the sound inflection of ‘doubt’ or an inflection of ‘what do you mean how are you’ and the world has changed .. it has driven the moment into a battle of understanding .. or rather a misunderstanding ..
The dramatic inflection of the written in sound creates the moment for the reader or listener .. and the ever danger or worry is that the emanator could never be right .. just as the reader or the interpreter of that could be entirely wrong ..
And here begineth the reason lesson for misinterpretation, for misunderstanding, for right and wrong ..
The biggest exercise of mankind is the correctness of the ‘other’ to be able to read the sound of the emanator , when it comes in writing .. or to be able to hear the sound of the writing from the emanator ..
SO ..
.. when the receiver gets the write or the sound of the write .. he or she then sends that cerebrum initiated meaning for its interpretation ..
.. if the cerebrum be in its normalcy of mood , the interpret shall be normal .. if not then the mood of the cerebrum shall decide the mood or the tone of the interpret .. a hassled or irritated cerebrum shall interpret the most kindest of write in the most unkindest manner .. the preordained preset dramatised cerebrum , will ever interpret each incident in drama to the excess .. when in fact the communication was quite the opposite ..
Any , any individual that has inflicted himself or herself with the condition that the entire universe is ostracising them, rejecting repudiating them , excluding them .. even before they actually are .. shall ever take each communication or situation as an attempt against them .. when the fact is the exact opposite ..
.. and ne’er shall be any rectification , change or understanding ..
SO ..
.. in a condition, where you are bound, connected physically morally legally, or in any other order .. the existence shall ever be abnormal ..
Nature builds that into you .. through your birth your genes your DNA .. call it what you may .. live with it .. tolerate it .. or get rid of it .. those could be the only solutions, if solution is being sought .. otherwise , you slam the door towards the cerebrum mood element .. unaffected by any circumstance ..
.. AND RIDE .. ride well into life and living ..
FOR … the human is an exceptional being .. and of the 7+ billion beings that reportedly exist in this Universe , we have 7+ billion EXCEPTIONAL humans !
Right wrong difficult likeable irresistible unapproachable disgustable hateable .. or every other able .. we are all in the same ruddy boat .. rudderless ..
SINGULAR .. ISOLATED .. segregated .. remote .. ALONE ..
.. so help me God .. !!
Amitabh Bachchan
from Amitabh Bachchan's Official Blog
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