D.Va’s new animated short really leaned into the whole gremlin meme, replacing the Mountain Dew and Doritos with alternatives appropriate to Overwatch lore. Now, Blizzard has spun out the name of that soda into D.Va’s Nano Cola Challenge, which rewards you with new cosmetics and exclusive Epic skin for playing. All the challenge requires is for you to win matches, whether that be in Quick Play, Competitive, or Arcade. Three wins get you new sprays, six get you a player icon, and nine wins will earn you the new Epic skin, Nano Cola D.Va. The promotion is already underway, and last until September 10. Those nine wins can be at any point during that timeframe. Two weeks to win nine matches sounds pretty doable, even for my meager Overwatch record. But even if you’re not playing, you can still get stuff. The promotion is also hosting Twitch Drops, with some adorable new sprays awarded for watching up to eight hours of participating streams. (Or, you know, leaving them on while focusing on other things, as your schedule permits.) The full list of participating streams is available through the official announcement.
from PCGamesN
from PCGamesN
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