Destiny 2 is in the midst of preparations for Frosaken, and Bungie has already detailed what to expect after launch. Some of the details had already been revealed, but others are brand-new. Most notably, heavy machine guns are making a comeback after having been missing in action since the original game. Seasons continue with Season of the Outlaw alongside Forsaken, and further free seasonal updates will come with each annual pass release from here on. In December, Black Armory brings us the Season of the Forge, with the return of The Dawning, new Crucible content, seasonal ranks, and the addition of new weapons, including heavy machine guns. Machine guns were a category of heavy weapon in Destiny 1 that were dropped amid the sequel’s myriad weapon changes. We don’t know exactly how they’ll make their comeback in Destiny 2, but Bungie’s community manager has tweeted out a GIF that looks very much like the Thunderlord exotic. The Thunderlord offered the Lightning Rounds perk in Destiny 1, increasing rate of fire and accuracy for as long as the trigger’s held down, as well as a boost to reload speed on kills and a chance of making enemies explode.
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