Jalsa, Mumbai Mar ½, 2020 Sun/Mon 8:05 am
Birthday EF - Gita Avinashi Patel .. Laila Abdelkader .. Rasha, Egypt .. Monday, March 2 .. my love and greetings on this special day .. happiness ever and may the joys of life ever be with you .. from the Ef
Immediacy .. in an instant to be immediate , to think do and accomplish what needed immediacy ..
Its the code for the day or for the times ..
In an environ when a million electrons and several other ‘trons’ , of which I have no knowledge, get devoured by the cranium in this multitudinous communicable information era, it has become inevitable to execute with immediacy whatever enters the doable door in the ‘residence upstairs’, before it gets lost and trampled upon by the flush barrage of the waiting ‘trons’ …
So .. apart from the immediacy decision making process that was executed last evening when there was immediate need to ‘go or not to go’ to the gates of well wishers, conditions not conducive for body movement .. there are times when in the deepest of sleep, a thought idea comes in tsunami conditioned, and there and then it is expected to rise, throw off the bed sheets of cover , pull the body out from its resting and write, note on mobile or push sticker at vantage to be able to register its do-ability the next instant ..
post-its , mobile remember Aps., and the several hand written reminders, now traffic jam the region of extreme exposure to the radio-active .. the work desk .. and its results are , to be fair , quite productive ..
The gates were a last minute act , last evening .. the back played up, and walking became difficult .. lingering up to the podium, in a crooked posture would be an ungainly exposure to the people of well wishers .. so abstain .. and apologies .. and pre rapid information to the security and the handlers to pre-warn the wishers that there shall be no appearance .. and I do hope that it was done .. if not then folded hands 🙏 and .. SORRY ..
BUT .. the morning is another day .. and the brightness of the body and mind plays along amicably .. and there is a spring in the attitudinise .. a feel of goodness and heartfelt love to them that missed out .. ❤️
Immediacy needs will .. needs attention to concentrate .. needs to get up and do .. needs to stand up , assess , and work it out .. I shall .. and hope that this delayed communicative exigencies come to a stop .. for I must confess that the works at night are better equipped than the mornings ..
The mornings are fresh with thought and deed and energy and go .. but the nights are contemplative, exhausted creative energy - an energy that defies conditions .. and those are times of the greatest outputs .. you fight hardest when you have your back to the wall .. and the best ..
I endorse .. I agree .. I shall accomplish ..
A few observations that need mention ..
Please do not send me messages on Twitter ‘message counter’, I do not go there, or on WhatsApp , I do not go there .. the ‘message counter’ I have on inspection observed has communications which are believed that I have read and received and assumed that if there has been no response I am annoyed or upset or indifferent or not in agreement .. NO .. this is not true .. its just that I have not read it, or gone to the page to receive it ..
The same is with the WhatsApp .. if you are sending me a WhatsApp message you will need to first SMS me that you have WhatsApped, so that I can search you .. otherwise because of the uncontrolled WhatsApp messages that I get , because my number is known on the Net ,it has been directed to DELETE, else my mobile gets ‘jammed’ ..
This is not to discourage you from writing in .. there may be times when you wish to say something to me which you do not want the rest of the world to know , and that is perfectly within your right .. but it has to be done judiciously and with caution ..
With the excessive material that comes in to me from various platforms , the CyberCrime departments, some official and some not , get into control mode and often either delete or push mail to Junk .. I am now visiting junked mail often to rectify , but at times it is humanly impossible ..
I do get information that there are several Aps., been developed to safeguard the person from hackings and surveillance and whatever else , but I trust that no such activity shall invade us here or anywhere .. though there is no definiteness in this ..
SOON , I hope we shall have matters in control and communication shall get centralised, better managed and with better facilities to all , and for this I seek your patience .. and then ..

My love to all , especially the Birthday Ef’s .. have a fruitful day ..

Amitabh Bachchan
from Amitabh Bachchan's Official Blog
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